2024-10-29 20:10:25服务器运维 主机评测网
前几天看了个讲使用Python扫描端口的教程,看了之后自己也写了个扫描端口的脚本。记录下来,方便自己以后回顾。端口扫描端口效果图python扫描器 python扫描器源代码# -*- coding:utf8 -*-#!/usr/bin/python# Python: 2.7.8# Platform: Windows# Authro: wucl# P
# -*- coding:utf8 -*-#!/usr/bin/python# Python: 2.7.8# Platform: Windows# Authro: wucl# Program: 端口扫描# History: 2015.6.1 import socket, time, threadsocket.setdefaulttimeout(3) def socket_port(ip,port): """ 输入IP和端口号,扫描判断端口是否开放 """ try: if port>=65535: print u'端口扫描结束' s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) result=s.connect_ex((ip,port)) if result==0: lock.acquire() print ip,u':',port,u'端口开放' lock.release() s.close() except: print u'端口扫描异常' def ip_scan(ip): """ 输入IP,扫描IP的0-65534端口情况 """ try: print u'开始扫描 %s' % ip start_time=time.time() for i in range(0,65534): thread.start_new_thread(socket_port,(ip,int(i))) print u'扫描端口完成,总共用时 :%.2f' %(time.time()-start_time) raw_input("Press Enter to Exit") except: print u'扫描ip出错' if __name__=='__main__': url=raw_input('Input the ip you want to scan:/n') lock=thread.allocate_lock() ip_scan(url)
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